Art-106A Drawing

Art-106A Descriptive Drawing

3rd Home Work Assignment: Protrait

Kyle Ames

Kyle Ames

Pamala Ynzunza

Jennifer Hsu

Yu Wang

Ya-Ju Kao

Nikki Beckman

Nancy Liu - Self  Protrait (Church Winter Retreat)

2nd Home Work Assignment: Drapery Drawing

Nancy Liu (Retired Life) *poem

Pam Ynzunza

Jennifer Hsu
Kyle Ames

Ya-Ju Kao

Ya-Ju Kao

 Abby Elliott

Joanna Padua

       Lui Carmona

Lui Carmona


Xia Wang

Yu Wong

Yu Wong

Yu Wong

Nikki Beckman

The author of this drawing Ya-Ju Kao

*the poem shown on the screen inside the drawing were originally written in Chinese by Mr. Shih, Shu; a former Professor of Hong Kong Chinese University.  The whole poem is translated by Nancy Liu and partially listed below:
In the long journey of life, full of lonliness,
Sunny days buried deeply among the top of shady clouds,
May I have songs to be remembered here,
So I can praise the unconditional love of God,
and believe there still has miracle in life.
Inside the fading away sunset;
there still has rainbow hiding.

1st Home Work Assignment selected works:
Two Perspective Drawing

The author's name is on the canvas.
                                                          Author : Kao, Ya-Ju

                                                          Author : Alex Mirafuertes
                                                               Author : Pam Ynzunza

                                                        Author : Donald Hamilton

                                                       Author : Kyle Ames

                                                           Author : Jennifer Hsu

                                                 Author : Lui Carmona

                                                      Author : Nikki Beckman

                                                Author : Nancy Liu